
Corona weather yesterday
Corona weather yesterday

corona weather yesterday

Corona (92881) weather in Januaryĭaytime temperature stays around 20°c and at night it goes to 10°c.

corona weather yesterday

If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Corona (92881) section. Travelling to Corona (92881)? Check out our Weather averages of Corona (92881) to better plan your holiday or travel. Which months receive most rainfall in Corona (92881)?ĭecember and February receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 79.19mm. Coldest months of Corona (92881)?ĭecember and January are the coldest months with temperature at around 10°c. In these month temperature is at around 23°c and average of 304.5 hours of sunshine in a month. The windiest of all days will be Saturday 22 nd October as wind will reach 13mph or 21kmph at around 3 pm.Īpril and May are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Corona (92881). Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in 92881, Corona, California. The national weather service for 92881, Corona, California is reporting Sunday 23 rd October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 0.20mm or 0.0 inches of rainfall. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 13℃ or 56℉ on Sunday 23 rd October at around 8 am. Looking at the weather in 92881, Corona, California over the week, the maximum temperature will be 36℃ (or 97℉) on Wednesday 19 th October at around 3 pm. It also reports numbers by statewide and hospital region.What is the weather in 92881, Corona, California for today, tomorrow and beyond? To get data on what percentage of patients in Georgia hospitals were admitted for COVID-19 versus all other causes, there is a Georgia Medical Facility Patient Census. Visit the Georgia Hospital Beds and Ventilator Report by following this link The map is organized by hospital region, and Cobb County is part of Region N.

corona weather yesterday

To get an overview of how much the pandemic is stressing the hospital systems in terms of ER visits, hospital bed capacity, and ventilator use, there is a Hospital Bed and Ventilator Use report with interactive maps. Visit the Georgia Department of Public Health Status Report by following this link


It isn’t the easiest system to navigate, but it’s worth spending time learning how to use if you’re interested in getting the latest statewide and local data on the state of COVID-19. It’s a comprehensive report with extensive data and charts arranged statewide and by county, that also includes age breakdowns, racial demographics, and data on vaccination and testing. The Georgia Department of Public Health publishes a weekly status report on the pandemic every Wednesday. For more information on COVID in Cobb County and statewide Please consult additional resources to understand trends and other factors affecting your county.įor a complete list of the reports with links, follow this link. Click on the above tabs to see statewide and county level COVID-19 data. The data in this report can be used to assess the extent of COVID-19 transmission among preschool/daycare aged children (0-4 years), K-12 school aged children (5-17 years), and college/professional school aged adults (18-22 years) in Georgia. The documentation for the School Aged COVID-19 Data Report describes the use of the data as follows: And high school-aged cases decreased in Cobb but remained roughly the same statewide. College-aged cases increased in Cobb but decreased statewide. The notable thing this week is that reported cases in the 0-4 age group increased in both Cobb County and statewide. The table below is a summary of the Georgia Department of Public Health‘s School Aged COVID-19 Data Report for the two-week period ending.

Corona weather yesterday